You will find all the information you need about applying for the Prime Minister’s Space Prize for Professional Excellence on this page.


Opening and Closing Dates

The prize is open for applications between the following dates:

Opens:  8 July 2024
Closes:  3.00pm 30 September 2024


Portal Link:

Link to portal


Applicant Instructions:

  • the applicant can download the application form (below) at any stage and work on this in their own time
  • the applicant should log into the portal and make a profile (portal guidelines are below)
  • the portal will prompt the applicant to upload a CV (maximum of 3 pages)
  • the portal will prompt the applicant to upload a Photo ID
  • the applicant will be required to provide names and email addresses of two referees (the referees can either be international or national referees or a combination of both)
  • when the application form is complete, upload to the portal as a PDF.


Referee Instructions:

  • the referee can download the referee form (below) at any stage and work on this in their own time
  • the referee will receive an automated email inviting them to be a referee with a link to the portal
  • the referee will need to log into the portal and make a profile (portal guidelines are below)
  • the referee will be prompted by the portal to upload a CV (maximum of 3 pages)
  • when the referee form is complete, upload it to the portal as a PDF.


Forms & Portal Guidelines:

    1. Application Form   (this form is also available in the portal)
    2. Referee Form   (this form is also available in the portal)
    3. Portal Guidelines 
    4. Visual Chart of Application Process


Important Note:

The applicant will not be able to submit their application if any of the steps below are incomplete:

  • outstanding referee reports (upload)
  • outstanding CVs (upload)
  • outstanding application form (upload)
  • incomplete ethics statement (portal form)
  • terms and conditions have not been agreed to (portal form).


Need help?  Have other questions?

The Secretariat for The Prime Minister’s Space Prizes is Royal Society Te Apārangi.  Contact details are:

The Prime Minister’s Space Prizes
Royal Society Te Apārangi
PO Box 598

Telephone: (04) 470 5762
